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Women in BIM

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been a major game changer in connecting the construction and architectural industry. The continued advancement in design, visualization, and construction coordination has flourished to help BIM specialists within firms of a multitude of sizes “model first and model best”. Even so, more can be done to not only attract, but also retain, female talent in a sector that is rapidly advancing. Cultivating supportive environments that share knowledge, skills, and best practices increase diversity and stand to benefit the entire industry. With fewer firms hiring directly out of school, this panel will interrogate how schools can better prepare, firms can better train, and the field can raise coordination standards for the individuals entering the network of BIM. Three specialists will showcase their projects and highlight opportunities for mentorship to develop attraction to senior BIM roles as a viable career path, while also forecasting the future of this critical digital modeling tool shaping our built environment.


July 9


1:00 pm